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I recently gave a presentation on Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) as a follow-on from my event sourcing talk. This is really an overview of my understanding of CQRS which has been heavily influenced by the DDD community and shaped by the experiences that I’ve gained in my job over the past 18 months.

In contrast to my last presentation the content of this one was mostly my own. A large part of the talk was demonstration of a working CQRS application which I stepped through in debug mode to illustrate the flow of data in the system. The source code for that application can be found here: http://hg.cameronfletcher.com/brownbag

The reaction to the talk was positive and, once more, it generated quite a bit of debate. As before, for those that attended (or are interested) my course the slides and notes for my presentation can be found here: cqrs.pptx