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I gave a presentation recently on event sourcing. The talk included a demonstration of a system that I had been involved in designing and implementing that made use of events as a mechanism for storage.

The content of the presentation was heavily influenced by Grey Young’s QCon talk “Events are not just for Notifications” hosted on InfoQ here - in some places to the point of verbatim - so if you are interested in the message I was trying to convey I suggest you watch his video. For those that attended my course the slides and notes for my presentation can be found here: eventsourcing.pptx

I was surprised by the interest in the topic especially from some senior architects. It would appear there is a growing recognition that there is an inherent reduction in complexity when you’re forced to think of the boundaries that are implicitly enforced when moving to a distributed architecture.

As the reaction to the talk was good I shall be giving a follow up talk in September - this time on the subject of CQRS.