Welcome to my New Website
For the past 8 or so years I’ve been hosting my own website in various forms on my own hardware located for the most part in a cupboard under the stairs. Today I’ve finally made the leap and moved everything to the cloud.
As part of the transition I’ve also upgraded my blog engine from BlogEngine.net to Wordpress. This was made easier by my choice to host on Azure which provides a pre-configured website bundle from the gallery. I was actually up and running within minutes.
I chose an open-source theme called metro-wp-theme written by Joe McBride who’s website can be found here. I also installed a Syntax Highlighter plugin that formats source code rather nicely.
The theme required a few tweaks for my needs most of which were detailed on the theme page on Joe’s site but the bulk of the work was in transferring old posts from my previous blog onto this one. I have not yet been through the process of migrating the comments so for the moment comments are missing from the old posts.
Anyway, I’ve just changed the DNS records so if you’re reading this post it’s been a success. Welcome to my new website!